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July 31, 2008


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Ed Ward

Well, I'm a bit off rosemary myself, but at least there's a good reason: I had some friends who moved to California from Michigan back in the '70s. They'd driven the whole way in their car, and somewhere along the way, there was, for some reason, a bottle of rosemary shampoo resting on the dashboard which broke. It then seeped into the heating system. Well, in Northern California, it's cold enough most of the time that your heat is on. And at the time, I either didn't drive or my car was broken and I didn't have the money to fix it, so I'd catch rides with them a lot, the heater would be on, and I'd be trapped inside a damp car utterly saturated with the smell of rosemary. That, and not its culinary purpose, is what I associate it with.

That said, I always have a canister of the powdered herb on hand to add to tomato sauce that's going to get white beans put in it. Some things are just canonical.


Oh Ed--ugh! I often find that things hated by association are harder to befriend again than things that one just hates on their own terms. The common hate for cilantro, comes to mind.

Is rosemary easy to avoid in Berlin?

Ed Ward

Oh, anything with flavor is *real* easy to avoid here!

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